League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Year P C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2041 Champions D. Maple H. Long J. Winston S. Twift (3 ) J. Buswell J. Philliefan (4 ) R. Hood Z. Johnson R. Bonanza
2042 Champions M. Dion J. Dowd I. Torrent S. Twift (4 ) J. Buswell (2 ) W. Franco Z. Mouse Z. Johnson (2 ) R. Bonanza (2 )
2043 Champions L. El Charro B. Dover B. Lu-Longo S. Twift (5 ) S. Rogers J. Panda (2 ) Z. Mouse (2 ) Z. Johnson (3 ) W. Fisher
2044 Champions S. Homie C. Krashwagen T. Hafner S. Twift (6 ) N. Hamed B. Faux N. Dimes C. Jakob M. Edwards
2045 Champions T. Palmer E. Whitt B. Lu-Longo (2 ) S. Twift (7 ) H. Dinkle J. Crunk Z. Mouse (3 ) J. Tsunami I. Torrent (2 )
2046 Champions E. Bolanos C. Breu (4 ) B. Lu-Longo (3 ) S. Twift (8 ) J. Barker B. Faux (2 ) Z. Mouse (4 ) J. Tsunami (2 ) P. Di Stephano Jr.
2047 Champions M. Knight-Rider Y. Yuppers E. Esqueleto T. Walker J. Slothseco W. Hiccombs A. Aaaaa R. Cena Jr. (2 ) A. Fartinghouse
2048 Champions M. Knight-Rider (2 ) E. Garr C. McCoy A. Mellott T. Duncan J. Crunk (2 ) A. Aaaaa (2 ) R. Cena Jr. (3 ) A. Fartinghouse (2 )
2049 Champions J. Patey N. Lavoie R. Crocsout C. Cailean H. Dinkle (2 ) W. Hiccombs (2 ) L. O'Sullivan S. Mcgruff N. Ortega
2050 Champions G. Jones N. Lavoie (2 ) B. Lu-Longo (4 ) W. Wolf T. Duncan (2 ) W. Hiccombs (3 ) A. Aaaaa (3 ) . Cross-Eriksen R. Ramirez
2051 Champions E. Heed K. Halverson J. Quinn B. Babipperson R. Inthelake W. Hiccombs (4 ) P. Factors S. Nox J. Brizzo
2052 Champions C. Grimes K. Kripokrasov T. Woofington T. Walker (2 ) R. Inthelake (2 ) J. Stargasm V. Batista S. Nox (2 ) R. Ramirez (2 )
2053 Champions B. Gooser K. Kripokrasov (2 ) T. Granholm H. Dazs R. Inthelake (3 ) M. Forbis Jr. M. Williams . Cross-Eriksen (2 ) B. Bonds
2054 Champions J. Tsunami II J. Case R. Crocsout (2 ) H. Dazs (2 ) J. Forty-Three Sr. (2 ) N. Kind M. Williams (2 ) W. McClobber M. Dubson
2055 Champions A. Benjamin J. Case (2 ) T. Granholm (2 ) H. Dazs (3 ) . Kuma G. Vuerrero A. Morgan B. Buoyant M. Dubson (2 )
2056 Champions J. Quest Z. Bluesky E. Esqueleto (2 ) D. Leahy R. Inthelake (4 ) U. Sov C. Monster S. Nox (3 ) D. Stradley
2057 Champions B. Hargrove (2 ) K. Halverson (2 ) M. Dogwood M. Skelton R. Inthelake (5 ) R. Jackinson L. Burnside P. Factors (2 ) M. Forbis Jr. (2 )
2058 Champions W. Indadert J. Case (3 ) J. Jingleheimer Schmidt M. Skelton (2 ) B. Nelson U. Sov (2 ) J. Windsor T. Granholm (3 ) A. Morgan (2 )
2059 Champions R. Stryker Jr. C. Alvarez S. Hulk a Votto (2 ) M. Skelton (3 ) S. Apollo R. Jackinson (2 ) N. Nitro . Cross-Eriksen (5 ) A. Morgan (3 )
2060 Champions V. Page R. Salmonarms T. Gunk Jr. M. Bang R. Inthelake (6 ) U. Sov (3 ) M. Dogwood (2 ) X. Azza A. Jakob
2061 Champions A. Parco (2 ) C. Alvarez (2 ) P. Plant R. Hard R. Inthelake (7 ) L. Jackson J. Windsor (2 ) S. Nox (4 ) A. Morgan (4 )
2062 Champions W. Choi L. Ruiz P. Plant (2 ) R. Hard (2 ) J. Pilsudski (3 ) T. Tulowitzki J. Kulik-Warren . Cross-Eriksen (6 ) A. Jakob (2 )
2063 Champions S. Slothsburg H. Quinn T. Yeboah M. Bang (2 ) A. Mills T. Tulowitzki (2 ) D. Em-inem Y. Escence Y. Kove
2064 Champions L. James T. Denstro (10 ) B. Allen V. Valor Jr A. Mills (2 ) M. Southworth D. Guile N. deVille F. DeMars (2 )
2065 Champions T. Ziegler J. FortyThreeAndAQuarter H. Andrews Jr. M. Bang (3 ) M. Love X. Azza (2 ) B. Allen (2 ) Y. Escence (2 ) T. Murphy
2066 Champions B. TheKid G. Katcher-Scudder M. Dogwood (3 ) M. Bang (4 ) M. Love (2 ) M. Southworth (2 ) . Smalls N. deVille (2 ) F. DeMars (3 )
2067 Champions B. Eshleman Jr. C. McGillicuddy A. Williams M. Bang (5 ) A. Mills (3 ) B. Brooks (5 ) A. Pitcher (2 ) O. CheekiSon M. Southworth (3 )
2068 Champions I. Kranepool A. Bull-Worm M. Love (3 ) D. Fernandez A. Mills (4 ) X. Azza (3 ) . Smalls (2 ) N. deVille (3 ) D. Guile (2 )
28 Years
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