League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
MiLPBE : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Team W L WPct GB R RA
Milwaukee Swans 50 50 .500 - 473 460
Alcatraz Sentinels 45 55 .450 5 465 486
Team W L WPct GB R RA
State College Swift Steeds 58 42 .580 - 472 414
Portland Beavers 47 53 .470 11 407 457
Rookies Finals State College over Milwaukee, 3-2
Milwaukee Swans 4.7 473 100 3480 958 84 11 87 320 624 140 .275 .340 .381 .720
State College Swift Steeds 4.7 472 100 3528 945 78 8 122 368 653 4 .268 .344 .398 .742
Alcatraz Sentinels 4.7 465 100 3469 908 102 16 118 310 698 128 .262 .327 .402 .729
Portland Beavers 4.1 407 100 3426 890 76 18 93 287 640 37 .260 .322 .374 .696
TOTALS 4.5 1817 400 13903 3701 340 53 420 1285 2615 309 .266 .333 .389 .722
AVERAGE   454 100 3476 925 85 13 105 321 654 77        
State College Swift Steeds 4.1 414 100 0 5 26 3.85 894.2 894 91 303 640 1.34 .262 .297
Portland Beavers 4.6 457 100 1 6 31 4.31 890.2 876 118 305 706 1.33 .255 .288
Milwaukee Swans 4.6 460 100 1 6 24 4.34 893.2 945 114 323 686 1.42 .270 .305
Alcatraz Sentinels 4.9 486 100 2 6 25 4.39 900.2 986 97 354 583 1.49 .277 .306
TOTALS 4.5 1817 400 4 23 106 4.22 3579.2 3701 420 1285 2615 1.39 .266 .299
AVERAGE   454 100 1 6 27   895 925 105 321 654      
Team ExpW ExpL Diff AS aAS BAW PAW RAW FAW Attendance Payroll Balance
State College Swift Steeds 56 44 2 13 27 1 2 0 2 688,794 $0 $0
Portland Beavers 45 55 2 12 22 0 0 0 4 686,099 $0 $0
Milwaukee Swans 51 49 -1 11 15 0 0 0 3 680,023 $0 $0
Alcatraz Sentinels 48 52 -3 13 25 0 0 1 6 678,850 $0 $0
Most Valuable Player Award Tony Pisano 14-5, 2.97 ERA, 176.0 IP, 1.08 WHIP, 7.4 K/9, 5.2 WAR  
Pitcher of the Year Award Tony Pisano SCSS 14-5, 2.97 ERA, 176.0 IP, 1.08 WHIP, 7.4 K/9, 5.2 WAR  
Rookie of the Year Award Joshua Linton ASE .303/.363/.470, 419 AB, 17 HR, 11 SB, 131 wRC+, 3.5 WAR  
Reliever of the Year Award JJ Windsor PTL 4-3, 3.61 ERA, 84.2 IP, 1.23 WHIP, 8.2 K/9, 1.4 WAR  
Great Glove Award Pitcher Hobby -Bill- PTL .500 PCT., 0 PO, 1 A, 0.31 RANGE  
Catcher Jasper Clayton MIL .997 PCT., 664 PO, 52 A, 30.0 CS %  
First Base Toledo Jones SCSS .998 PCT., 842 PO, 50 A, 8.97 RANGE  
Second Base Joshua Linton ASE .986 PCT., 208 PO, 302 A, 5.10 RANGE  
Third Base Michael Rapinski MIL .963 PCT., 47 PO, 184 A, 2.33 RANGE  
Shortstop Arbin Asipi Jr PTL .981 PCT., 132 PO, 278 A, 4.15 RANGE  
Left Field Dexter Paquette PTL .996 PCT., 244 PO, 5 A, 2.52 RANGE  
Center Field Ollie Daniels ASE .985 PCT., 311 PO, 8 A, 3.19 RANGE  
Right Field Riley Tiffielder ASE .986 PCT., 277 PO, 8 A, 2.85 RANGE  
Platinum Stick Award Catcher Jasper Clayton MIL .277/.361/.357, 9 HR, 47 RBI, 2.0 WAR  
First Base Toledo Jones SCSS .286/.367/.453, 18 HR, 60 RBI, 2.8 WAR  
Second Base Joshua Linton ASE .303/.363/.470, 17 HR, 64 RBI, 3.5 WAR  
Third Base Michael Rapinski MIL .333/.384/.486, 13 HR, 66 RBI, 3.4 WAR  
Shortstop Louis Storm SCSS .305/.392/.412, 10 HR, 43 RBI, 3.4 WAR  
Left Field Sidney Swing SCSS .296/.385/.410, 11 HR, 58 RBI, 2.7 WAR  
Center Field Andrew Cathington MIL .307/.362/.420, 9 HR, 47 RBI, 3.1 WAR  
Right Field Riley Tiffielder ASE .278/.324/.477, 23 HR, 78 RBI, 2.5 WAR  
Designated Hitter Jackson Hazard ASE .270/.312/.452, 13 HR, 36 RBI, 0.3 WAR  
Shaningo Flaps King Swamp Troll Ike Thompson
Esteban Ramirez Michael O'Dowd Omar Wright
TJ Sparks Chris Hansen Michael Rapinski
Logan Cox Rodney Flecha Ollie Daniels
Curtis Kane Jax Hunter Jimothy Kekton
Brett Smoky Louis Storm Garlic Bread
Ben Waters Tiddlywink McTicklestick Sidney Swing
Eddie Spaghetti Leonard Church Martinez Pedro
Toledo Jones Ilikeit IlikeitaBot Riley Tiffielder
Alyssa Elliot Tony Pisano Pete Peters
Boogie Flowers Kosuke Yamauchi Michael Lang
JJ Windsor Johnathon Livingston Troy Castlefield-Pfloog
Johny Matthews Jeffrey Murphy Marc Courtremanche
Alexander Blitz Brock Beck Dexter Paquette
Andrew Cathington Amp Bogart Marc Steele
Tristan Cameron Joshua Linton Arbin Asipi Jr
Jasper Clayton Jackson Hazard
League Batting Leaderboards
Batting AVG
M. Rapinski MIL .333
A. Cathington MIL .307
A. Asipi Jr PTL .306
L. Storm SCSS .305
J. Linton ASE .303
On-Base PCT
L. Storm SCSS .392
S. Swing SCSS .385
M. Rapinski MIL .384
T. Jones SCSS .367
A. Asipi Jr PTL .365
Slugging PCT
B. Waters SCSS .492
M. Rapinski MIL .486
R. Tiffielder ASE .477
J. Linton ASE .470
T. Jones SCSS .453
On-Base + Slugging
M. Rapinski MIL .870
B. Waters SCSS .838
J. Linton ASE .833
T. Jones SCSS .820
J. Matthews MIL .805
M. Rapinski MIL 139
J. Linton ASE 131
T. Jones SCSS 129
B. Waters SCSS 129
L. Storm SCSS 127
J. Linton ASE 3.5
L. Storm SCSS 3.4
M. Rapinski MIL 3.4
B. Waters SCSS 3.2
A. Cathington MIL 3.1
Runs Created / 27 outs
M. Rapinski MIL 6.5
L. Storm SCSS 6.3
B. Waters SCSS 6.2
S. Swing SCSS 6.0
T. Jones SCSS 6.0
Isolated Power
B. Waters SCSS .210
R. Tiffielder ASE .199
T. Cameron MIL .178
A. Bogart PTL .171
B. Beck PTL .168
C. Addison PTL 100
A. Asipi Jr PTL 100
B. Beck PTL 100
A. Blitz MIL 100
P. Blunt SCSS 100
S. Parrish SCSS 431
A. Bogart PTL 420
L. Storm SCSS 420
J. Kekton ASE 419
J. Linton ASE 419
A. Cathington MIL 70
J. Kekton ASE 67
R. Tiffielder ASE 67
L. Storm SCSS 63
B. Waters SCSS 63
M. Rapinski MIL 133
L. Storm SCSS 128
J. Linton ASE 127
A. Asipi Jr PTL 124
A. Cathington MIL 122
Total Bases
R. Tiffielder ASE 199
J. Linton ASE 197
B. Waters SCSS 197
M. Rapinski MIL 194
T. Jones SCSS 184
A. Asipi Jr PTL 105
L. Storm SCSS 105
S. Parrish SCSS 101
M. Rapinski MIL 101
A. Cathington MIL 98
M. Rapinski MIL 16
M. Steele MIL 15
M. Courtremanche ASE 14
R. Tiffielder ASE 14
J. Linton ASE 13
C. Addison PTL 4
E. Ramirez PTL 4
B. Beck PTL 3
A. Cathington MIL 3
B. Flowers SCSS 3
Home Runs
B. Waters SCSS 25
R. Tiffielder ASE 23
T. Cameron MIL 21
A. Bogart PTL 19
T. Jones SCSS 18
Runs Batted In
R. Tiffielder ASE 78
M. Rapinski MIL 66
B. Waters SCSS 66
M. Courtremanche ASE 64
J. Linton ASE 64
Stolen Bases
J. Kekton ASE 48
O. Daniels ASE 44
A. Cathington MIL 33
M. Steele MIL 26
D. Piebird MIL 25
Bases On Balls
L. Storm SCSS 58
S. Swing SCSS 52
J. Clayton MIL 50
O. Daniels ASE 42
P. Blunt SCSS 40
Intentional Walks
S. Swing SCSS 4
A. Blitz MIL 2
M. Rapinski MIL 2
E. Bilitnikov MIL 1
L. Church MIL 1
T. Jones SCSS 22
E. Ramirez PTL 9
R. Tiffielder ASE 9
A. Bogart PTL 7
M. Rapinski MIL 7
J. Murphy ASE 99
T. Jones SCSS 95
A. Bogart PTL 92
R. Tiffielder ASE 90
B. Waters SCSS 86
Sacrifice Hits
A. Asipi Jr PTL 12
D. Paquette PTL 12
C. Hansen PTL 9
P. -Boi- PTL 6
B. -Clyde- PTL 0
Sacrifice Flies
B. Waters SCSS 8
S. Swing SCSS 7
T. Cameron MIL 6
R. Tiffielder ASE 6
H. Belongwithme SCSS 5
League Pitching Leaderboards
T. Pisano SCSS 2.97
J. Hunter ASE 2.98
K. Yamauchi MIL 3.38
P. Peters ASE 3.71
G. Bread PTL 3.95
T. Pisano SCSS 14
K. Yamauchi MIL 13
M. Bergen MIL 10
C. Brother PTL 10
A. Elliot SCSS 10
A. Elliot SCSS 11
M. Lang MIL 11
O. Wright ASE 11
B. Smoky SCSS 10
T. Sparks ASE 10
Winning PCT
T. Pisano SCSS .737
K. Yamauchi MIL .619
P. Peters ASE .588
M. Bergen MIL .556
M. Oxhard PTL .556
D. Washington ASE 24
C. Ellis MIL 20
J. Livingston PTL 12
M. O'Dowd SCSS 9
R. Flecha SCSS 8
Games Pitched
B. McBotpants ASE 55
B. Magoo ASE 53
J. Windsor PTL 53
L. Abbott ASE 52
J. Livingston PTL 49
Games Started
B. Smoky SCSS 28
C. Brother PTL 27
A. Elliot SCSS 27
T. Pisano SCSS 27
T. McTicklestick PTL 26
Complete Games
P. Peters ASE 2
G. Bread PTL 1
B. Keller MIL 1
H. -Bill- PTL 0
B. -Clyde- PTL 0
G. Bread PTL 1
B. Keller MIL 1
P. Peters ASE 1
H. -Bill- PTL 0
B. -Clyde- PTL 0
Innings Pitched
T. Pisano SCSS 176.0
P. Peters ASE 169.2
J. Hunter ASE 166.0
A. Elliot SCSS 164.1
B. Smoky SCSS 162.2
Hits Allowed
B. Smoky SCSS 205
A. Elliot SCSS 198
T. Sparks ASE 195
P. Peters ASE 190
M. Lang MIL 177
Home Runs Allowed
K. Yamauchi MIL 22
B. Smoky SCSS 21
P. Peters ASE 20
C. Brother PTL 19
A. Rolison MIL 19
Walks Allowed
T. McTicklestick PTL 69
M. Bergen MIL 64
B. Magoo ASE 57
K. Yamauchi MIL 57
A. Elliot SCSS 51
Walks per 9 IP
B. Smoky SCSS 2.0
C. Brother PTL 2.1
M. Lang MIL 2.2
P. Peters ASE 2.2
T. Pisano SCSS 2.2
J. Hunter ASE 156
T. Pisano SCSS 145
K. Yamauchi MIL 143
M. Bergen MIL 134
C. Brother PTL 128
Strikeouts per 9 IP
J. Hunter ASE 8.5
M. Bergen MIL 8.1
K. Yamauchi MIL 8.0
C. Brother PTL 7.8
G. Bread PTL 7.7
C. Brother PTL 3.7
J. Hunter ASE 3.5
T. Pisano SCSS 3.3
B. Smoky SCSS 3.1
M. Lang MIL 2.7
T. Pisano SCSS 1.08
J. Hunter ASE 1.15
G. Bread PTL 1.15
C. Brother PTL 1.21
K. Yamauchi MIL 1.34
Hits per 9 IP
G. Bread PTL 7.1
T. Pisano SCSS 7.5
J. Hunter ASE 7.9
T. McTicklestick PTL 8.8
C. Brother PTL 8.8
Opponents AVG
G. Bread PTL .211
T. Pisano SCSS .228
J. Hunter ASE .231
T. McTicklestick PTL .250
C. Brother PTL .252
Opponents OBP
T. Pisano SCSS .279
J. Hunter ASE .288
G. Bread PTL .290
C. Brother PTL .304
O. Wright ASE .325
Opponents SLG
T. Pisano SCSS .316
G. Bread PTL .348
J. Hunter ASE .353
T. McTicklestick PTL .366
M. Bergen MIL .371
Opponents OPS
T. Pisano SCSS .595
G. Bread PTL .638
J. Hunter ASE .642
C. Brother PTL .691
T. McTicklestick PTL .704
G. Bread PTL .233
T. Pisano SCSS .275
J. Hunter ASE .281
C. Brother PTL .291
T. McTicklestick PTL .292
T. Pisano SCSS 5.2
J. Hunter ASE 4.2
M. Lang MIL 3.0
C. Brother PTL 2.8
B. Smoky SCSS 2.7
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