Brew City Sweeps into the World Series
Sunday, September 29th , 2069
The Brew City Bears outclassed the California Firehawks in all facets of the game throughout the MiLPBE Semi-FInals.
The end result was a Brew City series sweep to advance to the World Series, capped off by a 9-0 win in the final game.
"We're a bit surprised it's over in a sweep, to be honest with you," said right fielder Patrick Eshenbaugh, who hit .375 in the series.
Eshenbaugh's standout effort garnered him MVP honors. He also put up a .474 on-base percentage and had 3 home runs, drove in 4 RBI and scored 6 runs.
The World Series matchups and schedule will be announced after the Semi-FInals finishes.
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