League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2017 47-53 Jackson Boss Bates MacDonald Hunter Zhou Valentine Harden
2018 52-49 Jackson Boss Stanton McCringleberry III Dinero Zhou Valentine Harden
2019 50-50 Jackson Boss Stanton McCringleberry III Dinero Marone Valentine Harden
2020 56-44 Jackson Boss Stanton Rapinski Dinero Marone Valentine Columbus
2021 60-40 Jackson Boss Stanton Rapinski Dinero Marone Valentine Columbus
2022 54-46 Jackson Boss Stanton Dye Dinero Marone Valentine Columbus
2023 61-40 Jackson Boss Stanton Dye Dinero Marone Valentine Columbus
2024 29-71 Jackson Boss Stanton Westin Dinero Marone Valentine Columbus
2025 36-64 Jackson Boss Stanton Westin Dinero Paquette Valentine McDichael
2026 37-63 Jackson Robertson Stanton Turner Dinero Tentacion Valentine Turner
2027 38-62 Jackson Maximovich Boss Paquette Dinero Tentacion Valentine Turner
2028 24-76 Hammond Tentacion Bellinger Paquette Fisch Small Valentine Turner
2029 31-69 Springfield Tsai Bellinger Rune Fisch Small Turner Paquette
2030 52-48 Springfield Blaze Bellinger Rune Fisch Paquette Small Chiggins Jr.
2031 56-44 Springfield Blaze Nawx Rune Bellinger Small Fisch Chiggins Jr.
2032 60-40 Springfield Blaze Nawx Rune Bellinger Morimura Small Chiggins Jr.
2033 58-42 Springfield Blaze Nawx Fisch Bellinger Morimura Small Chiggins Jr.
2034 71-37 Springfield Dowd Nawx Reeves Bellinger Litoris Small Chiggins Jr.
2035 75-33 Springfield Dowd Nawx Reeves Bellinger Small Litoris Chiggins Jr.
2036 70-38 Dowd Kuntz Small Reeves Nawx Chiggins Jr. Litoris Gonzales
2037 38-70 Dowd Kuntz Stevens Reeves Samson Chiggins Jr. Litoris Stein
2038 33-75 Dowd Kuntz Bunty Reeves Gold Antilles Litoris Stein
2039 45-63 Dowd Kuntz Bunty Reeves Gold Antilles Litoris Stein
2040 37-71 Dowd Kuntz Lemon Svanberg Bunty Winters Litoris Stein
2041 40-68 Dowd Fulmen Lemon Drachenberg Bunty Winters Kroustis Stein
2042 50-58 Long Kroustis Lemon Ofderekjeter Philliefan Ruiz Cloudera Camden
2043 36-72 Ofderekjeter Love Lemon Buckley Philliefan Dordevic Cloudera Ruiz
2044 49-59 Ofderekjeter Love Lemon Slokening Philliefan Ruiz Kroustis Dordevic
2045 60-48 Burrow Slokening Lemon Ruiz Dordevic Cloudera Kroustis Colón
2046 58-50 Johnson Love Lemon Ruiz Dordevic Slokening Kroustis Colón
2047 69-39 Johnson Love Lemon Forty-Three Sr. Dordevic Ruiz Kroustis Slokening
2048 64-44 Johnson Ruiz Lemon Forty-Three Sr. Dordevic Slokening Kroustis Love
2049 74-34 Johnson Ruiz Lemon Forty-Three Sr. Dordevic Slokening Kroustis Love
2050 57-51 Johnson Cue Lemon Slokening Dordevic Forty-Three Sr. Real Name Love
2051 54-54 Roode Love Forty-Three Sr. Cue Dordevic Fuse Real Name Johnson
2052 64-44 Roode Monster Forty-Three Sr. Love Fuse Cue Real Name Johnson
2053 65-43 Roode Monster Fuse Love Stargasm Cue Real Name Johnson
2054 53-55 Roode Al E. Gator Fuse Shiesty Jr. Stargasm Cue Real Name Johnson
2055 52-56 Roode Al E. Gator Fuse Shiesty Jr. Stargasm Real Name Cena Jr. Cue
2056 51-57 Roode Real Name Fuse Shiesty Jr. Flanaball Al E. Gator Stargasm Cue
2057 67-41 Benito Real Name Fuse Shiesty Jr. Cue Al E. Gator Stargasm McGuire
2058 59-49 Benito Goose Fuse Shiesty Jr. Kove Rye Cue Al E. Gator
2059 63-45 Benito Alou Fuse Goose Kove Rye Al E. Gator Shiesty Jr.
2060 63-45 Benito Shiesty Jr. Gonzalez Goose Kove Alou Al E. Gator Fuse
2061 55-53 Benito Fuse Gonzalez Goose Kove Al E. Gator Skelton Alou
2062 63-45 Benito Fuse Gonzalez Goose Kove Coolcrab Alou King Jr
2063 61-47 Benito King Jr Fuse Goose Kove Coolcrab Alou Gonzalez
2064 69-39 Benito Fern Rarew Goose Kove Coolcrab Alou Vyda
2065 73-35 Benito Fern Rarew Goose Kove Coolcrab Alou Vyda
2066 66-42 Benito Vyda Rarew Goose Kove Coolcrab Alou Fern
2067 56-52 Benito Goose Rarew Alou Kove Coolcrab Jolly Fern
2068 44-64 Coolcrab Allen Rarew Alou Kove McKenzie Jolly Fern
2069 39-69 Coolcrab Bubbs Rarew Thompson Kove Fern Considerations Southworth
53 years 22 players 38 players 23 players 35 players 24 players 36 players 26 players 37 players
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